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Images By Light has over 200 lights, please click on the store tab (or menu tab for mobile user) to view all the different lights.
About our lights.....
The standard light will be powered by either 3 AA batteries or USB cable (provided). For $3 you can upgrade your light to a rechargeable light. This will save you money on batteries. You can find the rechargeable light in the "other" section.
Each image is engraved into acrylic.
Approx. 8" tall, 5" wide in the base. Each image varies in size depending on shape of image.
Custom orders are available upon request. A fee will apply for custom orders. Please remember each image takes over an hour to create.
We have over 200 images to choose from and we keep adding more all the time! Click on our "store" above to see all the images.
Perfect gift or collectible item!
Suggestions are welcome!
Images By Light
located in South Bend, Indiana
Email: info@imagesbylight.com
Phone/Text: 574.347.5783